Armpits are areas of the underarm skin that should be given importance and care. Because the armpit area has many blood vessels, hair follicles, and sweat glands under the skin. There is high heat and there is also a risk of dampness that can cause health problems. The general public should research potential underarm problems. And learn how to properly care for the skin under your arms. To prevent problems that may arise. Such as body odor and accumulation of germs. Inflammation of the skin, etc.
The following health problems. UFABET This is an example of symptoms that may occur on the skin in the armpits area. which can take care of and prevent the occurrence of various symptoms as follows:

Hyperhidrosis It is a condition in which the body sweats excessively through the skin, causing illness. This can be treated using antiperspirants. Using prescription drugs, Botox injections, or undergoing surgery or nerve block ablation, etc.
In addition, if you are dealing with excessive sweating. There may be guidelines for taking care of your armpit health as follows:
- Take a shower and use soap thoroughly every day. Then always wipe your armpits dry. To reduce the accumulation of bacteria
- Use deodorant that contains antiperspirant such as aluminum chloride both during the day and before bed.
- Wear clothes made from natural fibers. which will help ventilate sweat well
- Avoid consuming hot drinks like tea and coffee. including alcohol and spicy food Because it may stimulate sweat secretion.
- Practice meditation to relax your body and mind. Including reducing stress, which is a factor that stimulates sweat.
- Control your body weight so that it does not exceed the standard or become obese.